The 10 Most Famous Dog Breeds Of German Origin

The 10 most famous dog breeds of German origin

Are you a dog lover? Did you know that some of the most famous dog breeds are of German origin? Boxer, Doberman, German Shepherd and Great Dane are just some of the names of the German breeds. This article takes a look at the 10 most famous breeds in Germany.


Originally bred to kill mice and other pests in German stables from the 1600s, well-trained Affenpinschers are very agile and obedient, loyal and affectionate.

The Affenpinscher

has short black hair.

Although its origin is unknown, it is believed to be the result of crossing a Shnauzer, Pinscher or Terrier.


Large and muscular, they spread to Germany in the 19th century and, after the Second World War, landed on the American continent. They are intelligent and always alert. They love to play, but they are also stubborn, especially if you try to use very harsh training methods.

The Boxer is a very patient dog and a good friend of man, as long as he is offered the physical exercise and mental stimulation he needs.


Widespread in Germany during the 19th century, mainly as a guard dog, its ancestors are not known but are believed to be descended from various dog breeds, including Rottweiler, Tan Terrier and German Pinscher.

With his sleek coat, athletic body, cropped ears and tail, the Doberman looks like an aristocrat.

It is a very energetic and intelligent dog, an excellent guard dog and a friend of man.

Great Dane

known as the gentle giant, he is a very affectionate dog. <span Loves to play and is docile with children.

If it is raised on two legs, its height can reach 2 meters.

German Shepherd

One of the most famous dogs in the world. It originated in Germany at the end of the 19th century.

Sturdy and highly intelligent, he easily obeys orders and is fairly easy to train.

It is a guard dog and also a guide dog when circumstances require it. Its temperament is docile and has a strong sense of protection.



Originally from Germany, the Rottweiler was used to drive cattle and pull farmers’ wagons.

Muscular and strong, he is always an attentive dog.

It is a very intelligent breed. They have a natural instinct to protect their family and can become ferocious in defending it. This is why as puppies they require a lot of socialization. They are very affectionate if you are firm and purposeful.



Intelligent and aristocratic in appearance, the Schnauzer is popularly known for its protective ability and devotion to its family.

They are agile and athletic and often excel in sports performance.

The Schnauzer breed has a long history in its native land – Germany. They came

used to protect livestock and owners. The a

German breeders expressed their interest in standardizing this breed in the mid-1800s.

Bavarian mountain hound

Calm, balanced, this dog breed is very affectionate with its owner and reserved with strangers.

It is a bold but docile breed.

Its origin dates back to mid-19th century Germany, when it was used to find traces of the wounded in the mountains.

Currently the Bavarian mountain hound is found in the alpine regions found in the south of the country, mainly as a track dog in forest parks. He comes

also used in the hunting of some alpine animals.


Affectionate with family, children and other dogs, he is known for his great hunting prowess. F.

edele and affectionate, the Münsterländer is generally an easy dog ​​to train and possesses great swimming skills, both in fresh and salt water.

Originally from the German region of Münster, this breed needs a lot of daily exercise and is often used in rescue operations.


The Landseer is widely used as a working dog and also for searching and rescuing people.

Intelligent, gentle and elegant, she has a sweet and courageous personality. M.

Very friendly to children, he is a great swimmer and very good as a rescue dog.

Landseer is often confused with Newfoundland.

But one of the big differences is the color, black and white, and the font. IS much more agile.

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