The 5 Animals That Work The Most

Do you know the most active animals in the wild? Let’s find out in this article the animals that work the most.
The 5 animals that work the most

When we talk about the animals that work the most, we are not referring to those species that have been domesticated by man for agricultural tasks. Our discussion, on the other hand, concerns the most active animals in the wild. We know in this very interesting article the animals that work the most .

What are the animals that work the most?

These particular animals are characterized by the ability to work without rest for days. Others, they can lift an incredible weight, still others can walk miles or even build their own homes with all the comforts. These are the most workaholic animals that exist on Earth:

1. Beaver

These semi-aquatic rodents from North America and Eurasia – but also introduced in other latitudes, such as South America – are one of the prime examples of hard-working animals.

In fact, they have the ability to build dams in streams and rivers with the aim of erecting comfortable dens for their large family. For this they use branches and trunks that they cut, using their sharp teeth.

The dams that are formed by the stagnation of the water allow the control of floods or the passage of pollutants. However, this is prevented and controlled in lands where beavers have been introduced by man, since they could have negative consequences for the environment.

2. Ants

Ants are a clear example of teamwork and self-sacrifice for their family. These insects – distant relatives of wasps and bees – not only make their homes with everything they find on the street, but they also work hard to keep them in good condition and away from possible predators.

a group of worker ants at work

Their working hours are so extensive that they almost do not rest. Worker ants spend most of their lives awake, feeding the larvae, sheltering the anthill, looking for food and defending the entrance from strangers.

3. Earthworm

It plays a very important role for the ecosystem, as it is responsible for consuming organic waste and transforming it into fertile soil full of many nutrients. For this they have to spend hours and hours digging tunnels into the earth and eating as much as possible.

Earthworm digging a tunnel

They can ingest 90% of their weight per day, while 60% become absolutely fertilizing organic excrements. The most curious thing of all is that they don’t have teeth. They use a very efficient digestive system which includes a sucking mouth, directly connected to the large intestine.

4. Labridia

A whole family of colorful fish with over 500 species and a more than strenuous task: cleaning up parasites accumulated in coral reefs. But that’s not all, since they sometimes continue their work by eliminating the remains of fins, mouths and tails of other marine animals devoured by some predator. They are the real scavengers of the seas.

Example of wrasse

Undoubtedly they are among the most hardworking animals on the planet, as they almost never stop. Their mouths are like a vacuum cleaner that leaves everything clean and shiny. They are friends of all fish and get paid for their homework on the spot.

5. Gardener between animals that work more

This bird – in this case the male – could not be missing from the list of other animals that work more in the world, given that his “profession” is truly worthy of admiration. To attract his partner, he builds a very special nest with leaves, branches and sticks that he finds around him.

Gardener bird

He can spend hours choosing the objects he will place in his new home and if for some reason during his absence one of the elements moves – for example thanks to the wind – he will put it back where it was. A real  interior design of Nature !

The collection and placement of objects do not follow a certain pattern and there are never two identical nests. When mating time comes, the female Gardenerbirds review the work and choose the best looking and best quality nest. Bad news for unskilled gardeners who will be left dry: literally.

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