The 7 Foods That Could Kill Your Dog

7 Foods That Could Kill Your Dog

A custom that went on for many years was to feed dogs only with the leftover food leftover in the houses. This option was especially attractive to those families living in a difficult economic situation.

It should not be forgotten that these animals were kept indoors not only out of the desire to own a pet, but rather because they were useful for doing some work.

Nowadays, these trends have changed, and dogs are more often consuming feed and other processed foods specifically for them. Many owners also opt for the preparation of special homemade recipes.

Regardless of which diet you have decided to adopt for your dog, there are aspects to which particular attention should be paid. Not all foods are suitable for eating by animals, and in this article we will show you 7 that could kill your dog.

A mistake that could cause your dog to die


It is normal for most people who own a dog to feel a true feeling of love for him. This is why it is important to pay the utmost attention and care when it comes to his health.

Yet sometimes we identify with our animal to such an extent that we come to believe that it can eat the same things we do.

While most foods will not harm him, there are some that could have serious consequences for his health.

It would be a shame that, in an age where there are thousands of options for feeding dogs, we make the mistake of not making sure we are doing it properly.

Many recommend feeding our four-legged friends only with dog food. But if you still want to experiment with other food choices, take note of the substances that could kill your pet.

Foods that could kill your dog


  • Avocado. Despite being a delicious ingredient and often used in cooking, especially for the preparation of salads or guacamole, it is important to be very careful, first of all because it is a food with a high fat content, which in itself represents a problem.

Furthermore, both in the pulp, in the seed, and even in the peel, this fruit contains a substance called persin, which is a toxin derived from fatty acids and which is extremely toxic to both dogs and other animals.

By consuming it they could suffer from vomiting and diarrhea, which could result in serious consequences.

  • Chocolate. It is difficult to imagine that such a good product falls into the ranking of the most toxic foods for dogs. This is due to the presence of theobromine, a substance that dogs cannot metabolize properly.

Consuming chocolate could lead them to suffer from stomach upset, tremors, nervousness or a decreased heart rate. It could undoubtedly kill your pet.

  • Coffee. While it may seem strange to imagine someone having coffee with their dog, always make sure they don’t accidentally ingest some. This drink contains methylxanthine, a substance that acts as a stimulant of the nervous system.

It could cause digestive problems, hyperactivity, excessive thirst and ultimately the death of the dog.

  • Milk. As with many people, adult dogs do not digest milk well, and are lactose intolerant. In fact, they do not have the enzymes necessary for the assimilation of this food.

By ingesting this drink they could suffer from serious digestive problems.

  • Bones. Although it is a food traditionally given to dogs, bones can cause various problems, such as the breaking of a tooth or other injuries to the mouth.

If the bones are small, dogs may choke.

  • Onion. It is harmful to the red blood cells of our dogs, degenerating into anemia and lack of oxygen, as well as other possible disorders related to the functioning of the liver. It can even lead to the death of the dog. The same thing goes for garlic.
  • Grape. They may contain remnants of pesticides or heavy metals, which can kill your dog if consumed in large quantities.

    Raisins are also not recommended, as they can damage the kidneys leading, in the worst case, to kidney failure.

    If after reading this article you continue to have doubts about the best nutrition for your dog, seek expert advice. Talk to a vet about your concerns, and let them advise you.

    In any case, never let your dog try any of the 7 substances we have shown you, keeping them well out of his reach.

    Featured image courtesy of Stella Maris.

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