The Best Foods For Dogs With Osteoarthritis

Nutrition is a fundamental element in the life of any animal. Here are the best foods for dogs with osteoarthritis.
The best food for dogs with osteoarthritis

Nutrition is a fundamental element in the life of any animal. The quality and type of diet can improve health and strengthen the immune system. Precisely for this reason, we have decided to devote a few paragraphs to the best food for dogs with osteoarthritis. Here, then, are some guidelines to always guarantee the most suitable food for your four-legged friend who suffers from this disorder. Do not miss the best  food for dogs with osteoarthritis.

What is canine osteoarthritis?

Like people, dogs can suffer from this condition that affects the joints. Its symptoms are more pronounced in winter, but the development and progress of the disease depends on countless factors.

The joints are junctional organs between bone heads, held together thanks to special tissues, called “connective”. Cartilage is the main tissue that allows each type of different movement, specific to each of the four limbs.

Plate of a dog heel

Well, this cartilage ages and over time begins to function less smoothly. Loses lubrication and elasticity. The result is that the animal begins to feel pain every time it moves one of the joints. Unlike arthritis, which is a type of inflammation, osteoarthritis is a chronic degenerative disease and has no cure. Fortunately, however, there are palliative remedies that will allow your dog to regain a certain quality of life.

How to know if a dog has osteoarthritis?

Even if your dog has not yet been diagnosed with this problem, there are many signs that will allow you to check for osteoarthritis. Let’s see, in the following list, the most frequent symptoms that you will have to pay attention to in order to intervene quickly and effectively:

  1. The dog refuses to go up the stairs. Surely, this type of movement is one of the most painful for the dog, because the knees are particularly stressed. They are the joints that suffer the most by carrying all the weight of the body. Climbing the stairs requires a lot of effort, and in an attempt to protect itself, the animal will freeze.
  2. Difficulty lying down and getting up. If your pet is having serious difficulty standing or lying on the ground or in the bed, it is possible that he has joint problems.
  3. Lameness. It is possible that it appears at times, but if the dog limps from time to time and this factor is worsening and increasing, it is advisable to have it examined by a veterinarian.
  4. Lack of appetite. This symptom is common to many pathologies. If the dog has osteoarthritis, he will also lose his appetite. In fact, the pain will be such as to make him pass the desire to eat.

Dog and vet holding sign that says osteoarthritis

Dog food for arthrosis pain

Is it really possible to relieve osteoarthritis pains with food ? Well yes. There are special feeds that are used to treat the problems of this disease. Some ingredients are preparatory and will help you improve your senior dog’s existence.

If, after your trusted veterinarian has diagnosed osteoarthritis, you want to find the best foods for dogs with osteoarthritis, below you will find a list with some basic elements that these meals must contain. These are essential ingredients for joint improvement. Remember that old, weak cartilage is what causes osteoarthritis and subsequent pain. Therefore, it is important that the animal takes nutrients of a certain type :

  • Supplements : hyaluronic acid, glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate.
  • Calcium : an essential component in the fight against osteoarthritis as it strengthens the bones and, therefore, the joints.
  • Low in fat : to relieve pain it is essential to maintain the animal’s healthy weight and avoid situations of overweight and obesity.
  • Vitamin K2 : will help protect the bones and cartilages of the animal.
  • Magnesium : another component that must not be missing in the treatment of osteoarthritis.

If you have a dog with arthrosis, the vet will be able to tell you which diet to follow, indicating any foods and supplements that will suit you. The supplements we have mentioned must be present in the type of food you choose, since they will help relieve the pain and symptoms of osteoarthritis.

In addition to giving your pets food for dogs with osteoarthritis, there are additional remedies that you can put into practice. For example, apply hot water bottles on the paws, carry out light massages and, above all, a lot of pampering.

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