The Best Tips For Taking Care Of Senior Dogs And Cats

In this article we offer you some tips that will be useful for taking care of older dogs and cats, with particular attention to aspects such as rest, exercise and nutrition.
The best tips for taking care of older dogs and cats

Our pets age and, just like us, they need a lot of special attention. In this article, we list some of the most important tips to follow to ensure that older dogs and cats can continue to enjoy a good quality of life.

When do animals get old?

Of course, this aspect depends on each animal and the breed to which it belongs. In general, a medium-sized dog reaches senescence around 8-9 years of age; in the case of large breed dogs, this milestone is reached earlier. Cats are generally longer-lived, get older around 10 years and survive, on average, up to 16 years.

When animals reach this stage of life, it must be taken into account that their daily needs are changing. As owners, we need to pay special attention to our older dogs and cats and follow a series of tips to make their daily life easier.

Good nutrition for older cats and dogs

Choosing quality nutrition is essential to keep our pets healthy. In the case of older cats and dogs, this requirement is even more important. Older age can bring about digestive or any other kind of ailments.

Dog and cat while eating together.

That is why, whether we choose a diet based on commercial or homemade foods, we must make sure that it is easy to digest and that it contains the necessary supplements that our animals may need at this age : antioxidants, elements that strengthen their bones and joints. , etc.

Cohabitation with elderly dogs and cats

To make their daily life more bearable, it is advisable to follow some basic rules. For example, if you have pets of different ages in your home, it is important to separate their food and teach them to respect what does not belong to them.

It will also be of great help to apply some special daily attention. It is advisable to adapt their walks and daily activities, so that they can keep active without having to exert excessive effort.

Elderly animals: coexistence between dogs and cats.

Offering them a good rest is also an effective intervention. For this purpose, there are several kennels or resting places suitable for their age. In the case of cats, brushing them every day will help them change their coat, as well as be rewarding. Don’t forget that expressions of affection for our pets are absolutely necessary.

Visit the vet often

Accompanying our elderly dogs and cats to the vet is an indispensable activity. As they get older, the frequency of visits should increase. Periodic checks help us to know that everything is working properly and, in addition, can prevent the appearance of diseases or ailments typical of age.

Your vet can help you choose your diet, the rules to follow for daily exercise and other care to be given. Our pets accompany us throughout their lives and therefore deserve to live healthy and happy.

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