The Dogs Of Gaza Now Have A Place To Live

The dogs of Gaza now have a place to live

The conflict between Israel and Palestine, especially in Gaza, is known worldwide. There are hundreds of images broadcast by the news. However, there are victims that have not been talked about: pets. They too suffer the collateral damage of the war raging in the country. What about them? 

The Gaza Zoo was closed as there were no funds needed to maintain it. The animals were totally undernourished. They were taken to other countries where they had a chance to receive better treatment.

However, perhaps we forget that pets also suffer from the dire situation affecting their country. Either way, there is hope for them. Do you want to know how?

A new kennel in Gaza

It’s sad to say, but for Islam, the most widespread religion in the country, dogs are considered unclean animals. However, they are accepted as guardians and hunting animals. However, the fate of animals living in a war-torn country is not a priority for the local population.

At least it is not for some, because Said al-Ar was worried about the future of these animals. For this reason, he began to calculate how much money he needed to support his family and thus to know how much he could allocate to these animals, victims like humans of the war in Gaza.

It was no easy feat as Said’s family is large. He had to support 7 children and his wife. However, they all tightened their belts to be able to lend a hand to Gaza’s most unfortunate.

Al-Sulala kennel is built in Gaza

Said looked for land around Gaza where he could keep the dogs. He obtained a sandy space of 2700 square meters. In it he created the Al-Sulala Animal Protection Association.

In this kennel you are not satisfied with just feeding these animals, you also have equipment to let them play and play sports.

Said’s love of animals is not new: until 2007 he had trained dogs for the country’s police force. That year, however, there were changes in the structure of the government: the new rulers decided to impose their own methods and training on dogs.

Said receives his salary from the state, even if he doesn’t work. This allows him to dedicate all his time to dogs, thus being able to discover not only their physical needs, but also their emotional ones. In addition to feeding them, Said protects, loves and cares for these animals.

Noting his strong vocation, the authorities promised Said a 5-hectare plot of land in which to house more dogs. Some inhabitants have welcomed Said’s initiative: they collaborate by donating food or a little money when they can, to facilitate his work.

Said’s dream

Said’s dream is to have a dog food company and hospital that can offer veterinary assistance to all stray dogs. Sometimes dreams come true, Said …

Undoubtedly, in the midst of a serious conflict like that in Gaza, seeing people like Said gives us hope that the world is not as cruel as it seems.  There are still good people who are willing to act selflessly for others. Said deserves our admiration as a human being, as a person and even more so as a father. They say that words move, but examples drag . In Said’s case, the example he is setting his children is a lesson that we are sure they will never forget and that will help them to be better people.

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