The Dog’s Sixth Sense

The sixth sense of the dog

Everything that man has not yet been able to explain fully tends to create a supernatural aura. This usually also happens with respect to what many call the dog’s sixth sense. However, in the majority of cases, these are issues that can be clarified through various biological mechanisms. Also, on many occasions, this is due to the fact that these animals have other highly developed senses, such as smell and hearing.

Dogs and their ability to detect changes occurring in our body

Many of our four-legged friends have the ability to detect:

  • Tumors
  • Pregnancies
  • Time of delivery
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Epilepsy attacks

It is not due to the fact that they have a crystal ball to predict these things before anyone else : the point is that in our bodies, in conjunction with the situations listed above, some chemical changes occur which result in smells that dogs can perceive. through their powerful sense of smell.

The behavior of dogs with respect to some natural phenomena

Another ability of dogs is to predict storms and other climatic phenomena. And even earthquakes.

Here the explanation is to be found in their fine hearing. Dogs pick up frequencies and hear sounds that we would never be able to hear. If they hear the inaudible (to us) dog whistle, why shouldn’t they be able to sense vibrations to predict certain phenomena?

They also notice changes in atmospheric pressure and changes in the level of static electricity.

Our four-legged friends know us better than anyone else

Just as dogs smell and hear things that we humans are unable to perceive, dogs also immediately understand the way humans are.

In this case their intelligence, their sensitivity and their great spirit of observation prevail.

Dogs understand what kind of person they are facing based on their behavior. But they also learned to interpret expressions, emotions, tones of voice and our body language.

In some cases, they also make use of the sense of smell. So it’s no surprise that your dog immediately realizes if you are not completely feeling well and tries to comfort you with his affection. Or that you try to defend yourself if you perceive animosity in someone close to you.

Is the orientation ability of dogs due to their sixth sense?

One issue that many attribute to the dog’s sixth sense is the dog’s ability to find its way home no matter how far away. Although this is not always possible, for various reasons, there are numerous cases of dogs that have traveled thousands of kilometers to return home.

This ability to orient themselves seems to be due to a characteristic they have in common with cats and other animals. The explanation would lie in the fact that dogs are able to identify some small differences and changes in the Earth’s magnetic field. However, this ability could be hampered, for example, by very strong magnets.

Infrared canine noses: a dog’s sixth sense?

Many people think that, like the baby in the movie Sixth Sense , dogs can see dead people. This belief is based on the fact that sometimes animals remain motionless looking into space and even stand on end.

However, even this aspect has an explanation that is not at all supernatural and which is poorly connected to the alleged sixth sense of the dog.

The answer is once again to be found in the powerful canine sense of smell, which certainly must have detected an important odor that humans are not even aware of.

But now the theory is also spreading that dogs have heat detectors in their nostrils. This would more accurately explain the ability of some animals to find bodies buried following various disasters.

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