The Importance Of Dental Health For Pets

Your pet’s dental health is, in the long run, a key part of their overall health and happiness. Remember that, just like small children, a pet depends on you to take care of its health. So here’s what precautions you need to take to keep her mouth in perfect condition.
The importance of dental health for pets

In order for our pets to maintain a high quality of life, their dental health is a very important element. About 9 out of 10 pets suffer from periodontal disease before the age of four.

Most dogs and cats are affected by minor dental diseases, which, fortunately, do not generally develop into more serious problems. However, dental disease can progressively turn into a much more serious health condition for our pets.

Periodontal diseases are pathologies that evolve progressively and affect the gums of the teeth. At its worst, periodontitis in pets can lead to tooth loss.

Periodontal diseases, however, are not the only diseases that our pets can suffer from due to the presence of bacteria inside the mouth. Some dogs can develop sores or even abscesses when their gums get sick.

It is important that your pet’s dental health is evaluated by a professional at least once a year. A veterinarian is able to properly clean your pet’s mouth and restore its health.

The diseases that your pet can suffer from tartar and bacterial proliferation, such as gingivitis, are easily reversible, thanks to the intervention of a professional. While periodontal diseases are not reversible, their symptoms can be alleviated to a large extent through the use of simple treatments.

oral hygiene mainly consists of removing tartar from the teeth

The importance of pet dental health

Oral hygiene mainly consists in removing tartar from the teeth.

This tartar is responsible for the proliferation of the bacteria that cause gingivitis.

In addition to cleaning the tartar, a veterinarian is in charge of evaluating the health of your pet’s tongue, gums, lips and upper throat. In this way it is possible to avoid a large number of consequent diseases. Remember that prevention is the best treatment.

Oral hygiene can only be done if your pet is under general anesthesia. Anesthesia is used to prevent your pet from feeling pain and allows the vet to assess his dental health more accurately. For this reason, we recommend that you have this procedure carried out by your trusted veterinarian.

Oral hygiene includes the following interventions:

  1. Removal of plaque from the teeth.
  2. Elimination of plaque under the gums near the teeth.
  3. Sampling of the oral cavity in order to evaluate any dental diseases (caries or others).
  4. Teeth polishing for a better bite and soft tooth surfaces.
  5. Application of fluoride or sealant where necessary.
  6. X-rays, if needed, to assess your pet’s dental health.

Warning signs

If you notice an unpleasant odor coming from your pet’s mouth, it is likely that the pet needs oral care. It is recommended that you check your pet’s oral health status yourself. After all, no one knows your pet’s mouth better than yourself.

If you notice any green or brown spots on your pet’s teeth, you need to take him to the vet so they can determine the severity of the problem. Likewise, if you notice any unusual redness or sores in his gums, it’s time to visit the vet.

Dental health is also very important for pets

You have to pay attention to how your pet is fed. If your pet is having trouble chewing or complaining while playing, it is likely that he is suffering from some pain inside his mouth. In this case, oral hygiene becomes more than necessary.

How to maintain the dental health of pets

After practicing an oral hygiene procedure, you can take a series of very simple precautions. These measures will help your pet keep his dental health in perfect condition.

Brushing your pet’s teeth once a week is a great way to keep his mouth in good condition. In addition, the market offers various toothpastes for dogs or cats that help strengthen tooth enamel and eliminate bacteria.

Lack of oral hygiene can lead to serious illnesses, such as heart problems. These heart problems arise when bacteria in the mouth reach the circulatory system.

Your pet’s dental health is, in the long run, a key part of their overall health and happiness. Remember that, just like small children, a pet depends on you to take care of its health.

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