The Island Of Hokkaido, Japan: Home To Splendid And Unique Animals

The island of Hokkaido, Japan: home to beautiful and unique animals

Hokkaido is the northernmost and largest of the islands in the archipelago of Japan. It is known for its winter sports, but also for its culture, tourist and recreational attractions. Among the inhabitants of this island there are exotic creatures, which are found only here. We invite you to get to know these beautiful and unique animals.

Most of these animals, so particular, belong to some subspecies included within other more known species, which are mainly found in northern Asia; others, on the other hand, are unique to the island of Hokkaido. The common characteristic of all these animals is meekness.

Ezo Momonga

The flying squirrel typical of the island of Hokkaido. Its large almond-shaped eyes, dark in color, contrast with the abundant fur, cream or gray. Being a very special animal, it has been used as a mascot for various products, including a card for public transport, and is the symbolic animal of the island.

Shima Enaga

It is a small long-tailed sparrow, whose plumage is completely white, apart from the tail which is black. Unlike its peers, who live in the rest of the archipelago, the Shima Enaga is devoid of the feathers that surmount the brown eyes. Usually, the offspring of these birds have this black plumage on the eyes, but in adulthood it disappears. Her eyes stand out like two black pearls on her head. It can be seen very often, from prairies to mountains. When the mating season ends, it forms small groups that move between the branches of the trees.

Red Fox of Hokkaido

Red fox

In Japanese mythology there are many fantastic animals, beings that represent various spirits. Kitsune is the spirit of the forest and is represented by a fox. Since time immemorial, a close bond has been created between man and fox. It is for this reason that, according to popular belief, it was believed that the fox could transform into a beautiful woman. In Japan there are two species of red foxes, related to the red foxes of all Eurasia. One of these is located on the northern island. It is an animal with soft reddish fur that is usually docile with humans: many tourists come to take pictures with these beautiful animals.

Hokkaido red squirrel

This squirrel is a subspecies of the Eurasian red squirrel, which lives in Asia and Europe. The peculiarity of this animal is that it is found only on the island of Hokkaido. He usually performs breathtaking stunts, jumping from tree to tree, in the forests of the island. Like the red fox, it has a tawny coat. In Japanese, the ideogram of this particular animal literally means “chestnut rat”.

Ezo Naki Usagi

Its name means “crying rabbit” and is a subspecies of the Northern Pika, a small rodent that lives in the northern part of Asia and Japan. As the name suggests, “Pikas” are the animals that inspired the character of the Pokemon comic series, Pikachu. During the warm season he eats herbs and prepares the food supply that he will use during the cold winter. Although it could be mistaken for a hamster, it has a long, bushy tail.


This weasel is a subspecies that prefers the cold climates of the island of Hokkaido, Siberia and northern Scandinavia. The peculiarity of this animal is the moulting of its fur: when winter arrives, its coat changes from brown to white, to blend in with the snow and confuse predators. Like foxes, these animals have special significance in Japanese mythology. It might sound unbelievable, but these docile creatures are often synonymous with bad news and harbingers of doom.

Ezu Fukuro

The Ezu Fukuro is a subspecies of the Siberian owl. The name of this bird is closely connected with the island, as the ancient name of Hokkaido is Ezu. It usually nests in the trunks of hollow trees found in the woods of the northern area. Its main food source is rodents.

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