The Language Of Cats

The raspy tongue of cats is essential for these animals when they need to drink water, clean themselves and keep themselves cool.
The language of cats

Felines, so unpredictable and full of mystery, never cease to surprise us. It is therefore not surprising that even the language of cats is full of surprises.

Today we are going to talk to you about the language of cats.

Cats and their raspy tongues

If you are lucky enough to get a good lick as a show of affection from your kitty, you have surely noticed how raspy his tongue is.

This is because its papillae are covered with keratin, a substance that resembles small thorns or hooks.

Their taste buds play an important role in cleaning this animal. Since they are all oriented in the same direction, the back of the mouth, it is easier for cats to get rid of dead hair or knots.

However, no matter how dedicated cats are to this task, if they are long-haired it is always best to help them.

This way you will avoid the formation of hairballs. Also pay attention to how long it takes the cat to groom itself. Excess cleaning can hide stressful situations.

With the movements of the tongue, cats risk getting some hairs in the throat, eventually swallowing them.

Even if the ingested hair is expelled via stool or vomit, accumulating it can become hairballs capable of causing intestinal obstructions, to be removed by surgical operations.

How do cats drink?

Another curiosity about these animals is the way they drink. In this, their language plays a crucial role, together with the force of gravity and the mechanics of fluids.

Cat drinks water

In fact, they use a mechanism that allows them to take a good amount of water in the shortest possible time.

A technique that contributed, in the past, to the survival of their wild ancestors.

Since the shape of this animal’s mouth prevents it from sucking easily, cats tap the water with the tip of their tongue and then lift it up. In this way they manage to create a column of water that is ingested before dissolving.

The taste buds and feeding of felines

Cats, as you know, are carnivores . Their teeth are prepared to cut into the flesh and separate it from the bone. A process in which, however, also the papillae of the tongue intervene.

In this case, the “hooks” on the papillae help keep the food inside the cat’s mouth . They push it towards the throat, allowing the animal to swallow. Finally, thanks to them the cat is able to scrape the meat off the bone.

However, the cat’s tongue is not particularly suitable for conveying the sense of taste. These felines, for example, are insensitive to sweet flavors.

The language of cats

More details on the language of cats

In addition to the hair during cleaning, there are other elements (especially threads), which can adhere to the papillae of the cat’s tongue and consequently cause serious health problems. It is therefore important to check the games or other items available to them.

If these animals suffer from mouth inflammation, they may risk losing some papillae. If this happens, you will necessarily have to help them with their grooming.

If your cat is panting and has his tongue sticking out, he may be suffering from heat stroke. In these circumstances, the prompt intervention of a veterinarian is recommended.

Keep in mind that among other functions, the cat’s tongue also serves to keep the animal cool.

This is because when they are licked, the moisture that remains on the skin causes an evaporative cooling effect similar to sweating in humans.

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