The Lion Dog Becomes Famous On The Internet

The lion dog becomes famous on the internet

There are not a few people who, unable to find success in their own country, are forced to emigrate abroad. This is the case with many singers unknown in their country of origin, but who have earned great fame thousands of kilometers from home. Well, this is exactly what happened to our lion dog.

Have you ever heard of the lion dog on the internet? He became famous outside his native Spain. Would you like to know its history? Today we tell you about it and we are sure you will like it.

The lion dog: the discovery


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Unfortunately, we at My Animals are often forced to tell you unpleasant and sad stories. This is why today we are happy to tell you about the lion dog, whose story not only ends well, but will surely also be able to get you more than a smile and a few laughs.

It was a dog like many others, cinnamon colored and of medium size, used to wandering the streets of Malaga, Spain, looking for something to eat in the garbage. He did not attract the eye of any passerby, and certainly no one moved a finger to feed him. Until one day a young German photography lover couldn’t help but notice it. We do not know what brought her to him, nor what she saw in him that was different from many other dogs.

His build, in fact, was absolutely normal: cinnamon color, medium size, nothing special. But the German Julie Werner immediately felt a special connection with him and, unable to ignore it, decided to take him with her to Hamburg, Germany.

Tscikko the lion dog, from wanderer to star

They say that some are born under a lucky star, while that of others is tarnished. In the course of life, however, you never know what can happen. Anyone who knew Tschikko when he was still living in Malaga, homeless and constantly looking for scraps of food, probably thought his star was completely dim. But what would these people say if they saw it now?

With the brilliant idea of ​​making him the protagonist of her reportage “The Lion of the City”, in fact, Julie has transformed him into a real star. We do not know if it was enough for her to see him the first time to imagine him in these guises, if the vision came later or what really happened. What we can say with certainty is that the unusual success achieved by the animal has made the lion dog and its owner famous on social networks and throughout the digital world.

How did they do it? As the title of Julie’s report suggests, the photographer needed a lion, but she could only find a simple dog… but something could be done! That’s right, Julie decided to make a red wig very similar to the color of her dog’s fur, so as to make it look like a real lion in all respects. Indeed, looking at the photo, it looks even more realistic than Jumanji ‘s lion .

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And here Julie kicked off her reportage, photographing her new friend wearing a wig all over town, turning every image into a story.

Julie could not have imagined the enormous success her work would have, going viral and reaching thousands of people. There are those who have really confused Tschikko with a lion, and those who, after realizing that it was a lion dog, could not help but burst into laughter.

Julie, who is now very fond of the animal she saved from a sad end, has shown her willingness to re-exploit the beauty and friendliness of her lion dog, creating a new reportage called “The Lion Dog and the Return to the World”. His new work will feature images of Tschikko taken in various parts of the world, and we are sure that with his thick wig he will make a lot of smiles pop up everywhere.

It is likely that Spain will also be among the stages of this new journey, and who knows if the lion dog will finally manage to become a legend in his land too. Who can tell?

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