The Monkey Who Adopted A Stray Dog ​​

Friendship between animals of different species never ceases to surprise us. Neither is the behavior of some of these when it comes to helping those who need it. The story we are going to tell you about today is full of surprises, friendship and tenderness. It will enchant you! Here’s how a monkey and a dog became more than friends – a real family.

Many argue that animals are better than people. Whether this is true or not, this monkey has gone beyond the limits of solidarity and empathy, there is no doubt about that. Do you want to know its history? We tell you about it!

A monkey and a stray dog ​​have become a family

Source: Dinamalar Facebook – World’s No 1 Tamil News Website

The incident happened in India, in one of the parks where this primate lives. Many passersby and visitors stopped to observe how he jumped from tree to tree. Until one day the monkey managed to attract even more attention.

Suddenly, a new friend appeared with her – a stray dog. A puppy that the monkey has adopted as her own child, so much so that she provides him with food and does not eat until she has made sure that the dog has done so before her.

And if the other strays want to harm him, he defends him tooth and nail. There is no doubt that you regard him as a son. And who would dare to tell her otherwise?

She takes him in her arms, cradles him, does not separate for a minute from him and combs him as any primate mother would do every day with her own puppy.

The dog has no intention of separating from its “mother”. He knows he will take care of him forever.

Everyone who witnessed this phenomenon described it as the most tender relationship in the world.

Since they have been together, the inhabitants of Herod, the city they live in, have agreed to bring food to both of them. Certainly this will make this lonely monkey feel calmer, since the fact that she does not have to go in search of food for her “son” and for herself will give her more time to take care and to protect her family.

Without a doubt, animals make us understand once again what friendship, loyalty and love are without prejudice or interest.

Other special friendships

This is just a small taste of the friendship that can arise between two such different living beings. Remember that animals are not fooled by appearances and do not care about the breed, but are guided only by love.

Here are other examples of friendship between such different animals.

  • Juniper and Moose. The two protagonists of this beautiful story of friendship and loyalty are a dog and a fox. Despite the rumor that they can’t get along, this story proves quite the opposite. Both were adopted by the same family and became brothers.
  • A cheetah and a dog. Ruuza is a cheetah cub who was rejected by his mother, resulting in depression. So her saviors decided that the best thing for her would be to find a new friend. The choice fell on a little dog, and now they are inseparable.
  • A duck and a dog. A depressed dog is cured thanks to a duck that one day appeared in his garden.
  • A blind dog and his guide. A blind dog was lucky enough to befriend his guide dog, and now they don’t even split up to sleep.


    Source of images:, Dinamalar Facebook

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