The Most Venomous Snakes In South America

The most poisonous snakes in South America

When one thinks of a snake, one of the first images that comes to mind is that of the beautiful and fearsome cobra. In reality, very few snakes have the ability to inject venom through their bite.

In this sense, the bite of some species can be lethal and requires immediate treatment to avoid irreversible damage to the victim’s health.

a snake of foime as it glides on the water

In this article, we have decided to introduce you to what are the 8 most poisonous snakes in South America. A way to learn more about their characteristics and better understand their nature.

The rattlesnake

In many countries, the rattlesnake is practically synonymous with poisonous snake . This bad “fame” was not born by chance. These species of vipers, native to the American continent, possess one of the deadliest poisons ever.

Contrary to what one might think, however, about 96% of rattlesnake bites are not lethal to humans. Obviously, the patient must receive immediate and adequate treatment. In fact, without prompt medical attention, the poison usually causes irreversible damage and can quickly lead to death.

Blecher’s sea snakes

While not everyone possesses venom, Blecher’s sea snakes ( Hydrophis belcheri ) are among the most venomous in the world. Recognizing them is quite easy thanks to their dark blue body covered in horizontal white colored stripes. Like most snakes, they are not aggressive animals and only use their bite if they feel threatened.

Although only one in four is a carrier of poison, its effect is rapid and deadly. It is estimated that just a few milligrams of this toxic liquid can kill up to 1,000 people. However, many of Blecher’s sea snakes are totally harmless and exhibit a docile temper.

Most venomous snakes in the world: the viper of death

Its name already hints at why these vipers are among the most poisonous snakes in the world. Death vipers ( Acanthophis antarcticus ) are a native species of Australia and New Guinea. They usually cause repulsion due to their dark color and the peculiar appearance of the skin.

They acquired international fame thanks to the legend of Cleopatra, who allegedly committed suicide with the poison of this reptile. But it is a myth and not a historically recognized fact. However, it is known that the venom of these vipers can lead to respiratory arrest and death in less than six hours.

Again, prompt treatment is critical to saving the victim’s life and avoiding irreversible paralysis. Without due attention, over 50% of this animal’s bites are lethal.

Eastern brown snake

These species native to Australia ( Pseudonaja textilis ) are different from the other more venomous snakes on the planet, because they are very aggressive animals . In fact, if they identify a prey or a threat they are able to pursue them even outside their territory. It is found in Australia and it is often easy to find specimens near roads and houses.

a desert viper on the rocks

The power of his venom increases with the ability to bite multiple times in a single attack. Only 50% of eastern brown snakes are venomous, but their attack can easily lead to paralysis or death. Thanks to their high aggression and remarkable courage, these vipers are among the most dangerous animals in the world.

Bandaged Krait

Also known as bungaro ( Bungarus fasciatus ), it is much less known than other species we mentioned earlier. However, they are equally poisonous. In fact, they have up to 16 times more venom than cobras.

There is still no effective antidote for its venom (which it can kill in under an hour ), making it one of the deadliest snakes in the world. Fortunately, the Blue Krait tends to remain isolated from the cities and leaves its den only at night, to get food, mainly saurians and fish.

Black Mamba

Black mambas are typical of the African continent. They stand out not only for their powerful venom but also for their agility. A black mamba can exceed 20km / h when moving in its natural habitat .

Like the eastern brown snake, the black mamba often bites multiple times in the same attack. Its victim must receive immediate medical treatment to inhibit the rapid and powerful action of the poison.

Tiger snake

The tiger snake ( Notechis scutatus ) is native to Australia and is usually easily identified by the broad yellow bands of its body. It has a very powerful venom and its bite is almost always precise, which makes it a very dangerous animal.

The Philippine cobra

Unlike other more venomous snakes, the Philippine cobra can poison its prey without needing to bite it. This species is capable of spitting poison from three meters away, almost immediately paralyzing the victim. If a person comes in contact with the venom of a Philippine cobra, it will need to be cured before 30 minutes.

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