The Rescue Of Animals During The Quarantine

The quarantine is negatively affecting state bodies and human lives, but animals in shelters or at home are also affected by this difficult period.
The rescue of animals during the quarantine

Rescuing animals in distress is a timeless job. This means that one or more cases can occur at any time and anywhere, for various reasons.

That said, what about this work during the Coronavirus quarantine? Is it completed? Do people have to obtain authorization to do so? What aspects need to be taken into consideration? Will pets that have lost their owners also be saved?

The situation of the parks and recovery centers

Fallow deer at the park

National parks and recovery centers around the world are currently in a critical situation due to the lockdown.

Organizations such as Free the Bears in Thailand or Animals Asia in China have had to stop their rescue activities of many caged animals due to the current crisis. This is certainly bad news when it comes to the conservation of species.

In various countries, including Spain with the Gran Simio project, efforts are being made to highlight the critical situation of animals in zoos or recovery centers. Relevant authorities are asked to ensure the operation of the zoos although they remain closed.

It should be noted, however, that some organizations continue to work to ensure the protection of the wildlife that live in their shelters.

The rescue of animals also includes pets

Unlike what you might think at first, animal rescue includes not only wildlife but pets as well. For example, those who have been deprived of due care, for one reason or another.

To prevent the animals of people hospitalized for Covid-19 or other health problems from being neglected, several strategies had to be developed. All with the ultimate aim of ensuring the welfare of the animal. As a result, some overseas animal shelters have initiated two programs:

  • The “home only” program contemplates the care to be given to animals whose owners are hospitalized.
    • In the case of dogs, provided there is space in the facilities, the equipped staff will take care of transferring them to their shelters until the owner is discharged.
    • Cats, on the other hand, will receive periodic attention in the address indicated by the applicants.
  • The “life goes on” program has the worst option: that bosses fail due to illness.
      • In these cases, the dogs and cats that permanently lose their owners will be put up for adoption so that they can find a home at the end of the pandemic.

    It should be noted that both initiatives include a free veterinary service to offer assistance to critically ill animals whose owners have lost their jobs following the pandemic.

    Veterinary visiting a dog

    The rescue of stray and lost animals

    If you are concerned about the conditions of cats and other stray animals in urban centers, there is good news! As indicated in the directive of the OIPA (International Organization for the Protection of Animals):

    If you come across a lost animal while taking your dog for a walk, go to the supermarket or pharmacy closest to your home, you should consider the following:

    • If the animal is equipped with an identification tag, the owner’s telephone contact will be found on it. You will need to try to get in touch with the person.
    • In this extraordinary situation, the second step will always be to notify the relevant civil authority. Both the firefighters and the carabinieri will keep you informed and will take charge of the situation, avoiding your exposure as much as possible.

    As you can see, not only can there be cases of distressed wildlife, but also domestic animals during quarantine. Fortunately, several agencies are struggling to ensure the rescue and care of the animal world during these difficult times.

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