The Sad Story Of Grizz, The Police Dog

The sad story of Grizz, the police dog

Recently, New Zealand police shot dead a security police dog that ran out of control at Auckland airport. This has been condemned and denounced by numerous animal rights organizations.

Grizz was a 10 month old puppy who was being trained to detect explosives. Suddenly, he ran away. His trainers spent several hours trying to get him off the landing strip.

This incident resulted in the delay of 16 flights. Then, the airport staff asked the police to shoot him. Grizz was only six months away from graduation.

SAFE for Animals ambassador Hans Kriek expressed his condemnation of the animal’s death. He also asked why she did not choose to sedate him. A spokesperson for the local Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) said he “didn’t believe” it would be a good choice.

The details of the episode: a police dog escapes

Grizz escaped around 4:30 am local time and began running towards the Auckland airport runway. Although it was part of an initial socialization program at the airport and these rides could be part of the training, this led to the activation of the Emergency Operations Center.

The airport staff assured that everything was tried before shooting. They offered him food and sweets, toys, tried to approach him with other dogs, etc. None of this worked.

The same spokesperson also said it was too dark and the area was too large to find the animal and retrieve it quickly.

Faced with these complex circumstances, and after delaying nearly 20 flights, the airport’s Emergency Operations Center personnel decided to kill him.

There have been many rumors that shooting Grizz was definitely a bad decision. If it is true, as they say, that airport personnel had been chasing the animal for a long time, a weapon with tranquilizers could have been obtained by now.

The police departments themselves have access to guns with tranquilizer bullets. Also, apparently, there is also a very close zoo. Probably, they also had tranquilizing weapons there. There is no justification for sacrificing Grizz’s life.

The training of a police dog

Each police dog undergoes a specific type of training, with a human team specialized in analyzing the characteristics, qualities and virtues of the dog. Once this analysis has been performed and subject to health recognition, the animal is trained to perform a certain task. There are assistance dogs, others therapy dogs with the disabled or sick, defense and protection dogs, drug dogs, explosives, money recovery dogs, rescue dogs, etc.

Any dog ​​okay? No, a preliminary selection is made. The animal must meet certain requirements that experts evaluate after some tests. We are looking for dogs willing to work, to collaborate with their guides and with physical characteristics suitable for the tasks of a police dog.

The socialization of the police dog

One of the most important steps in police dog training is socialization. If the animal is not well socialized, it will not be easy for it to enter the new job to which it has been assigned.

We must not forget that the police dog will be exposed, during his missions, to all kinds of inconveniences : noise, traffic, conflicts, riots, children. In addition to different types of surfaces, stairs, landslides, slippery ground, escalators, conveyor belts, obstacles, walls, etc.

For this reason it is very important that the dog has had proper socialization, among other things, to prevent future psychological trauma, phobias or even animosity.

The bond between the trainer and the dog

Grizz cane poliziotto

The necessary bond between the trainer and the dog is achieved through his daily care, brushing him, taking him for a walk and making him play. These are the first steps in the police dog training program.

In other phases we will try to enhance the dog’s sense of smell. How? For example by hiding food (what the dog will look for) in certain items, such as toys, balls, etc. Gradually you will begin to use these elements to make the dog react when he happens to find them.

The secret lies in the bond between the police dog and his trainer, with the necessary care, socialization and play, so that the animal works at ease and with energy. All this until retirement.

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