The Salamander And Its Fantastic Weapons Against Predators

The spotted salamander Bolitoglossa ramosi, like other specimens of its species, has a curious defense strategy. Would you like to meet her?
The salamander and its fantastic weapons against predators

Many species of salamander live together on planet Earth. Generally these amphibians possess one or more defense strategies to avoid being caught or eaten. Learn about the amazing weapons the salamander enjoys.

Read on to find out more about these elusive animals. We talk about it in the following lines.

The spotted salamander

The spotted salamander ( Ambystoma maculatum ) is unmistakable. This small amphibian measures between 20 and 25 centimeters, including the tail.

We are talking about animals with a sturdy body and short and strong extremities, as well as well developed eyes. Their colors, then, are impressive: on the black or deep blue body there are two rows of irregular yellow or orange spots. However, we will discuss this feature in detail in the next paragraphs.

Salamander among the leaves.

Its colors certainly do not go unnoticed, yet the spotted salamander can be seen little or nothing. They are, in fact, animals that love life underground. They generally use the burrows or shelters of other animals, but also logs or stones, to hide.

What are the salamander defense weapons?

As anticipated, its colors represent the main defense weapon of this animal. The combination of flashy tones is a warning to predators.

This characteristic is known as aposematic coloring, or aposematism, and is not exclusive to the salamander; frogs, wasps and even some plant species use this strategy to defend themselves.

But most salamanders also use another defense mechanism; we refer, once again, to their skin. A viscous liquid covers the entire body of the animal, which hinders its capture by predators. Sometimes this substance gives off an unpleasant smell or taste.

 Ambystoma maculatum.

And we come to the third technique, as well as the most particular. When threatened, the salamander is capable of releasing a toxin.

Through special glands on its back and tail, it releases a toxic liquid that causes annoying irritation ; one more strategy to warn predators and teach them a good lesson.

Do these animals have other defense strategies?

In addition to the strategies described, some species, such as the common salamander ( Salamandra salamandra ), may attack with the secreted irritant liquid.

Thanks to some strategically located glands in the body, they can spray the predator from a distance.

In the case of newts, relatives of salamanders, there is an exceptional case: the Waltl pleurodele ( Pleurodeles waltl ). In addition to releasing the harmful liquid through the skin, this animal uses its ribs to defend itself.

He rotates them so that they come out of the skin and covers them with the liquid in question. It is thus able to intimidate predators who avoid approaching. Simply outstanding!

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