Tips For Choosing The Cat Flap For Your Cat

The cat flaps not only facilitate the entry point for your cat, but also prevent possible falls.
Tips for choosing the cat flap for your cat

The cat flap is a cat flap, a small opening on the larger door that allows your pet to pass through. It is undoubtedly a home accessory whose versatility makes it more useful than you can imagine. So much so that the various types of cat flaps offer many possibilities for the most creative owners.

Cats, as we know, have an independent personality, they love to spend many hours outside the home, until the affection or desire to eat makes them return home.

This tendency to wander autonomously also occurs in the house itself, when they move from room to room. In both cases, the cat flap facilitates the entry and exit of the animal in a safe and comfortable way.

Types of cat flap

There are many models of cat flap, depending on the use and the type of cat. Some of the aspects that differentiate them and that can help owners in their choice are:

  • The size of the animal : it is the first factor to consider. Although there are standard measurements approximately 20cm wide and 25cm high, the weight and age of the animal may require special measurements. Sometimes the cat flaps are made with flexible frames that allow the passage of cats of different sizes.
  • The future usefulness : the material of the cat flap depends on this. Cat doors, contrary to popular belief, are not limited to the outside world. Therefore, in addition to the main door, they can be placed on windows, furniture, facades and all types of wooden, metal, plastic or glass doors.

Cat looking out of a Venetian blind.

  • With free or selective access : allows you to control which animal enters and exits through the cat flap. In recent years, cat doors have been modernized to be able to detect the pet’s microchip. This way, owners can rest easy and know that no other stray animals will enter their home.
  • Equipped with motion sensor : it serves to notify the entry or exit of the animal. Doors with this type of sound device are useful because they allow you to control the movements of the cat without the need to have an eye on the cat flap.

In addition to the different types of ready-made cat flaps, there are many DIY stores that facilitate the design and construction of a do-it-yourself cat flap. In these cases, the most important thing will be to know the animal’s measurements, include soft edges that avoid any type of injury and install a safety mechanism using latches or a motion sensor.

White cat coming out of a cat flap.

Recommendations for use

Once the cat flap has been chosen, the owner must get his cat used to using it every time he wants to move from one environment to another. This step can be complex, especially if the animal previously went out indiscriminately from any window or door that appeared in front of it.

A good way to create the habit of getting in and out of the cat flap is to make sure this is the only passage option. For this reason, it is recommended that the door of the cat flap always remain open for the first few days .

Furthermore, the passage from one side to the other can be stimulated through games or food and thus help to build confidence in the animal that will soon get used to using this new home accessory.

In general, cat doors are a safe option due to the ease with which they allow access from one side of the house to the other. This is because they not only focus on the entry or exit point, but also avoid risks such as the numerous falls they are exposed to when trying to cross windows or terraces.

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