Tips For Cleaning Your Dog’s Ears

The ears are a much more sensitive area in dogs than in people, therefore special attention must be paid to preserve their condition; hygiene is essential to avoid the development of infections
Tips for cleaning your dog's ears

The ears are one of the most sensitive areas in dogs. It is evident the greater power of the dog’s ear compared to the human one, given their sensitivity to sounds higher up to four or five times our own.

As with human ears, however, canine ears also tend to get dirty over time. Dog ears have a very different structure from those of humans. For this reason we want to give you some advice to keep them clean.

An infallible hearing

A dog’s hearing can pick up sounds on frequencies that humans can’t reach at all. Everything is due to the unique structure of the ears and the arrangement of the hearing cells.

Depending on the breed, there may be differences in the ear that can affect the performance of hearing in the dog. Usually, the “pavilion” of the canine ear can be presented in two ways: completely drooping, or folded in half.

What does the different structure of the ear affect ? On the quantity of sounds that this can intercept. A cocker spaniel, with its drooping pavilion, cannot hear the same sound that the Husky hears, which on the contrary has a tense pavilion.

woman cleans ears to english bulldog

Furthermore, the position of the pavilion affects the diseases that the animal is likely to contract in those areas. If we go back to the previous example, the cocker is much more likely to go deaf as the years go by, while the husky takes a lot less risk in this regard.

However, one thing all dog breeds have in common is the care they take to clean their ears. For anyone new to the pet world, cleaning dog ears is likely to be a little known practice. That’s why we want to give you some more information about this area of ​​your four-legged friend.

How to clean your dog’s ears?

Cleaning this area in dogs should be done at least twice a week. The reason is the prevention of diseases that can disturb the hearing of our four-legged friend and the danger that the animal’s ear canal is blocked.

Doing this is very simple, and in most cases you will only need hydrogen peroxide, cotton and a cloth to dry. The advice is to reassure the animal if it is not used to being touched against its will.

First of all check the outside of the animal’s ear ; if there are residues of ear wax, dirt or some other external agent, it is advisable to remove it as soon as possible. If there are parasites of some kind, it  is instead essential to take the dog to a veterinarian, to learn more about the procedure to follow.

vet cleans a dog's ears

Next, check the condition of the inner ear area ; this part typically has a pale pink color which indicates a good state of health. Clean the area gently and gently, using a piece of cotton soaked in hydrogen peroxide or some specific serum for dogs.

Slowly and carefully remove the foreign elements from the ear, always avoiding that they end up in the ear canal of the animal. Also try to prevent the piece of cotton from leaking into the ear, as it could cause pain and discomfort to the dog.

Once you have finished cleaning, wipe off any excess moisture that may have deposited with another piece of cotton or gauze. Repeat the operation on the other ear as well and reward your dog for his behavior.

What happens if we don’t clean our dog’s ears regularly?

Dog ears, like ours, release a natural secretion that helps prevent disease. The problem is that this agent usually stagnates in the internal conduit, blocking the way to sound.

If the ear is affected by any disease, the dog can suffer a lot, as otitis or inflammation of the ears in dogs is a serious problem. Cleaning the ear also serves to prevent any residual liquids from drying out and irritating the animal’s skin.

Cleaning your dog’s ears is a habit that should be done since they are puppies. Remember that physical health is not only given by the coat and body of your four-legged friend; all areas of his body must always be at their best.

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