Tips For Playing With The Ferret

Tips for playing with the ferret

Ferrets have become ‘trendy’ pets for a few years now due to their docile personalities. They are friendly, affectionate and very sociable. They love to be with people and get along well with other animals. The question that many owners ask themselves is how to play with the ferret, since it has obvious differences from dogs and cats. In this article we will give you some useful tips to respect.

We are talking about truly adorable animals that, moreover, do not need too much care. In short, it is worth welcoming them into your home, even if you have a large family. So let’s see how it is convenient to play and have fun with your new four-legged friend.

Is playing with the ferret an odyssey?

Even if you are not too familiar with the playful habits  of this animal, or even if you have never had one, that does not mean that you will not be able to play with it and spend  happy afternoons without problems.

head and muzzle of a ferret seen up close

Create a safe playground

Remember that this animal is small and very flexible, so it is able to enter the most unsuspected places. Therefore, before starting the game, make sure that all “open” areas, such as gaps between furniture or armchairs, are blocked to prevent a possible escape.

Set up an enclosed area inside the house or garden, look for the toys they like best, such as balls or ropes, and get ready for action.

Build a cardboard tunnel

One of the items your new pet will appreciate the most are cardboard boxes. He’ll love getting in, hiding and succeeding. So, once you have created a safe area for games, you can set up real circuits made with these boxes.

Make sure that the various elements can communicate with each other. Even better, you could even set up ramps or stairs for your ferret to get on and off. It is an activity that will allow you to indulge yourself with  DIY and that will give your pet enough space to move and stimulate his mind.

A sand pool

We recommend that you create this space on a terrace or in a garden. You will simply have to set up a rectangle of sand, which you can take from the beach, from a park or even in a specialized shop.

As a container, you can use a basin or a cat litter box. The ferret needs to dig, it is an inherent virtue of this species. To make it even more fun, you can hide in the sand some food he likes best, or a toy or whatever else he needs to stimulate his curiosity.


Ferrets love objects that make noise. Rattles or balls with objects inside, which move and play at the same time, are perfect toys for your pet to have fun. If you don’t want to buy one, you can try building one of these pastimes yourself, at home. For example, using closed plastic tubes, inside which to insert small stones.

Rubber toys with whistles, such as those found in dog shops, will also do just fine. As you have seen, there are many options that will allow you to play with the ferret.

Socks and fabrics

There are some behaviors of ferrets that are very similar to those of cats. For example, you will be able to catch your friend’s attention just by dragging a sock on the floor. Or some small pieces of fabric or if you throw the classic  ball  of wool.

a ferret cub sleeps in a hammock

Once you understand, a little better, the tastes and behavior of these animals, it is not so difficult to know how to play with them. Just have a little imagination and spend time with your ferret to always know what he needs. Always be careful not to neglect the fundamental step: always create a safe and fenced  play area before starting to play with the pet ferret.

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