Tips To Please Your Cat During The Bath Time

Tips to please your cat when bathing

That cats don’t like water is no secret. Even if they wash themselves with their tongues, they still need extra hygiene which will be up to us to take care of. But given their fear of water, how can we make bath time enjoyable?

Let’s be honest: it won’t be easy. Still, we at My Pets know cats very well and can give you some great advice and suggestions to make this task easier.

So pay attention to what we are going to tell you, and why not, take some notes …

How to please your cat when bathing

There are several things to take into consideration to make sure your cat doesn’t refuse bath time. We list them below:


Find the right time

The best time to bathe a cat is when it is relaxed and sleepy. If he is too alert and realizes that you are approaching the water, the most likely thing is that he will start running to hide where you cannot reach him.

Prepare it

Don’t expect a cat to sit quietly under water like a dog would. So take precautions. For example, cut their nails and close the bathroom door to prevent them from escaping. Trimming their nails will prevent them from starting to scratch you if they get nervous.

Don’t wait for the last moment

It is not a good idea to take the cat for a bath by putting it under the tap. The best thing is to prepare a container with lukewarm water, neither too hot nor too cold. In this way this activity will be faster and more bearable for the animal.

Don’t force it into too small a space

If your cat has some room to move around, it is likely that they are more comfortable and feel calmer. Walking around the tub will relax him, making him tolerate bath time better.

Don’t put it in water

Even if you have prepared a container full of water in which to immerse the cat, do not do it. To make him tolerate the moment of the bath better, the best thing is to pour the water from the top, until I am completely wet.

Do not wet his eyes and nose, because it will annoy him tremendously, prompting him to escape.

The same is true for the rinsing phase. With one container pour the water, while with the other rub the shampoo away. Be very careful not to get soap in his eyes, nose or mouth.

Dry it


When you dry it, it is advisable not to use the hair dryer (although you can try it for the first time). Dry the cat with a towel, without applying too much pressure, with light movements, while at the same time you caress him and say words that can relax and reassure him. Once dried, you can also comb it.

Use positive reinforcement

If your cat has done well it deserves a reward, don’t you think? Give him something to eat he is fond of and caress him whispering sweet words. If the animal associates bathing with what he is greedy for or with your cuddles, he will end up appreciating it.

Things done forcibly, accompanied by shouts or reproaches, are useless. The cat must feel loved and supported. And after all, who likes to be forced to do something they don’t want to do?

Remember that since your cat doesn’t like to take a bath, it may be that when you put it under water you think you don’t love it. To avoid this, try to spend time with him once the bath is finished, stroking him and playing. He needs to know that your love for him is the same as ever.

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