Two Gorilla Twins Born In Central Africa

Two gorilla twins born in Central Africa

There are many endangered animal species and gorillas are no exception. This is why we are happy to tell you this curious and tender story, a tenuous hope among the many dangers that threaten biodiversity. Discover with us this cute couple of gorilla cubs.

It is, to be precise, two twins: a news that seemed incredible to us.

Read on, we tell you everything about them.

The first gorilla twins

This rare event happened in Dzanga-Sangha, in the southwest of the Central African Republic. This species of gorilla is currently at risk of extinction due to poachers and the degradation of its natural habitat.

This is certainly not new, as there are hundreds of species all over the world that are in the same situation; the reason is always the same: the presence of man.

The thinning of the ozone layer makes the survival of many species more and more difficult and hunting is added to this. Many unscrupulous hunters are causing slaughter of animals in order to sell body parts and get rich.

But back to the good news, the birth of the two gorilla twins. The WWF has been carrying out a primate protection program in Africa for 16 years; the aim is to preserve animal species that are in danger of extinction.

When they learned of this unusual happy event, the WWF operators, who have been fighting for the conservation of rare species for years, jumped for joy.

They are the first gorilla twins to be born in the Bai Hokou National Reserve of Dzanga-Sangha. The gorilla mother held both cubs in her arms, as any mother in this world would.

The father was not far behind, he did not lose sight of them and made sure that no one came near to threaten the twins and the mother.

It is always exciting to see the protective instinct inherent in some animals. Does anyone still think they are devoid of feelings?

What will be the future of the gorilla twins?


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The birth of the two gorilla twins will help perpetuate the species, however their very survival is at risk, judging by the conditions of the African jungle.

Poaching, habitat loss and disease remain the main threats to animals in Central Africa; WWF is struggling to give them maximum protection through negotiations with the government. But perhaps all this will not be enough, unfortunately.

Last year there was another case of twin gorilla births, in Congo, and it seems they are growing up without problems. Nonetheless, the latest developments in Central Africa have led to unprecedented upheavals.

The greed of man is again the reason why these wonderful animals are in danger. Under the ground, right in their natural habitat, there are large quantities of a precious mineral called coltan,  used in the electronics industry for the manufacture of tablets, cell phones and other devices.

Deep excavations of the soil continue to reach the coltan deposits, even if this implies the death of many endangered animal species.

The issue does not only concern the traffickers and industries that get rich thanks to this metal, but a bit of all of us, now addicted to these devices.

It is sad to imagine the answer that many of us would give to the question: do you prefer a world without smartphones or PCs, or a world without gorillas?

What do you think most people would choose? We prefer gorillas, and you?

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