Vomiting In Dogs: What To Do If It Happens Too Often?

Vomiting in dogs: what to do if it happens too often?

If the dog has sporadic episodes of vomiting without showing other symptoms of the disease there is no need to worry; the problem is usually solved by simply making some changes to his diet. Things change if it happens often. In this case it is necessary to have the animal examined as soon as possible. The vet will be able to identify the cause and will indicate the most suitable therapy for the situation.

What to do if your dog vomits frequently

We assume that vomiting is a sign of something not working perfectly in the dog’s body. It usually happens when the four-legged friend has eaten too much or too quickly, but there may also be a state of disease at the base.


For this reason, it is important to determine what makes your dog sick so often. This way you can help him overcome or improve the situation.

Collecting a vomit sample for your vet to analyze can help diagnose the problem more quickly and therefore intervene sooner.

In case of frequent vomiting, beware of dehydration

When a dog vomits frequently, regardless of the cause, it is essential to keep him hydrated. Dehydration, in fact, is one of the secondary problems that can arise.

For this reason, provide the dog with plenty of fresh water. But don’t force him to drink. Let it adjust itself.

Clearly, it is not enough to give the dog a drug against vomiting: it  is essential to intervene on the cause.

In any case, here are some pointers that will help you prevent your dog from vomiting, as long as there is no disorder that requires targeted treatment.

What to do in these cases

Among the measures that can be taken when the dog suffers from frequent regurgitation, we remember:

  • Don’t make drastic changes in your diet. For example, don’t change the brand or type of food overnight, but gradually, so that your body gets used to it.
  • Check that it does not have parasites, internal or external, and if necessary intervene immediately.
  • Stop him from binging. Don’t vary your usual amount of food with extra lunches or too many treats. And don’t give in to his requests, no matter how insistent or sweet, whether it’s food or what you’re putting in your mouth.
  • Check that it does not ingest waste from the garbage can or from the street.
  • Make sure he does not have access to any type of toxic substance  – inside or outside the home – that could poison him.

Diseases that can cause vomiting in dogs

When your dog is grazing grass, it is a clear sign that he is trying to vomit to relieve a digestive discomfort. If he does this too often, take him to the vet to figure out what’s going on. It could be a form of food allergy that makes him feel bad. In this case it is necessary to ascertain from what is triggered.

However, there is more than one reason, some serious, that can lead our four-legged friend to vomit continuously. Between these:

  • Viruses (parvovirus, distemper, coronavirus).
  • Cancer (liver, kidney, digestive system)
  • Stomach ulcer

Other alarming signs related to persistent vomiting


In any case, don’t be left with doubt. See a professional to determine what the cause is. The need for a visit becomes urgent when the animal:

  • He shows himself weak
  • It is inappetent.
  • He doesn’t want to drink water.
  • His stomach is swollen.
  • Has traces of blood in the vomit.
  • He has a fever.

In these situations, don’t hesitate to act responsibly. Your friend will thank you.

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