What To Do If The Dog Does Not Want To Walk In Sunny Places

What to do if the dog does not want to walk in sunny places

It is not difficult that in the summer, when the temperatures are higher and you are walking your dog, the animal will refuse to move. The most plausible explanation is that he suffered from heat stroke.

Heatstroke occurs when the animal’s body temperature rises, due to exposure to areas where the sun is strong, or after being locked up in particularly hot places, such as a car or a dog house.

Heatstroke can also occur in high humidity, even though it is cloudy or the day is not particularly hot. Given the danger of heat stroke, always pay close attention to this phenomenon, which can cause discomfort in the dog and, in the most serious cases, even lead to death.

Why does the dog not want to walk in sunny areas?


Autor: Javi

Dogs, unlike us humans, don’t have sweat glands, so they don’t have the ability to regulate their temperature through sweat. Their only way to do this is by panting, and expelling minimal amounts of sweat through the fingertips on their paws.

When walking in sunny areas, the fingertips absorb the heat from the floor, causing burns on the sole of the dog’s paw, a factor that makes the animal pass the desire to walk.

Know that this type of behavior is by no means exaggerated: when we walk on streets where the sun shines we always wear shoes, and we are not aware of the abrasive heat that emanates from the surface.

How to recognize heat stroke

If you are on sunny roads and you notice your pet panting more than normal, licking their paws excessively or simply lying on the ground, it is likely that they have suffered from heatstroke.

If this happens, remove the animal from the area by taking it to a shady place, and cool it with water. In addition to making him drink, spill some on him, especially on his head.

How to behave if the dog does not want to walk in sunny places

As you have seen, it is not good for the dog to spend too much time walking on sunny streets and be exposed to the powerful heat given off by the ground. For this reason, there are no useful tips for getting your dog to walk in the sun.

However, we can suggest you some actions not to take, in order not to run the risk that your pet suffers from heat stroke, which could be very dangerous.

Never leave the dog inside the car

Sometimes you hear phrases like: “I’ll be back in a moment”, “I had left the window open” or “It’s cloudy”. No excuse holds! In indoor places where high temperatures are concentrated, such as cars, the dog is at a very high risk of suffering from heat stroke.

Do not let the dog live in the open air

If there is no other solution than to leave it out, make sure it has a shaded area where it can be reopened, and fresh water, all day.

Do not let the dog live in a dog house

It is true that he will be able to stay in the shade, but the heat that is concentrated inside the dog houses will raise his temperature to the point of putting his health at risk.

Do not make them exercise during the hottest hours

It is advisable to take the dog for a walk in the early morning or late in the evening. Don’t forget to bring a bottle of water with you every time you go for a walk.

Do not shave it to zero

If, after having shaved it to zero, you take the dog for a walk in areas where the sun is shining, its skin could be damaged, especially if it is particularly light. In dogs, the hair acts as a protection, both against heat and cold.

If it gets too hot, add ice cubes to its water.

What to do if your dog is suffering from heat stroke


If you notice some of the following symptoms, don’t waste your time:

  • Heavy breathing and excessive drooling
  • Tachycardia
  • Opacity of the eyes
  • Lack of energy
  • Loss of consciousness

Take him to the vet without thinking about it, you could save his life. On the way, cool him by moistening his fur with water.

Remember that heatstroke can kill animals, so don’t waste your time!

Don’t forget these tips, and don’t force your dog to walk in sunny places.

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