What To Do With Your Cat During The Holidays?

What to do with your cat during the holidays?

Having a pet is a responsibility. So knowing what to do with him during the holidays is key. Sure, pets are different. While some, like cats, can stay home alone for up to three days, for others, like dogs, just one day alone is too much.

What to do with our cat during the holidays is the subject we are going to address, taking into consideration what kind of holidays it is.

What do I do with my cat if I have to go on vacation?

We all would like to take our pets with us when we go on vacation, but that’s not always possible. When this is not possible, there are several alternatives to consider.

Leave it at home

Cats are animals of habit. The less you touch the environment they are used to living in, the better it will be for them. Obviously, if the holidays are long, you need to look for someone to take care of him.

Making sure that the cat stays at home and a friend or family member goes to give him food and water is one of the best choices to not upset the animal too much.

If you are only going away for a weekend, the cat can stay alone in the house. Obviously, as long as you leave him food and clean water in different places in the house, as well as two or three litter boxes.

Bring it to a friend

If you don’t have anyone around who can do you the favor of going to feed your cat every day, you can always decide to leave it at someone’s house. Make sure it is someone the cat knows very well. And, if possible, that he doesn’t have any other animals at home.

This possibility is a little more complicated than the previous one for the animal. But it’s a great idea to leave with peace of mind knowing that it will be well taken care of.

Kindergarten for cats

If none of the above options are viable, another alternative is to choose a cat nursery. However, look for one early so you can go and see it. Observe how they treat the other felines they are taking care of. And, if possible, bring your cat to see how he feels in that place.

Search the internet for information and opinions from other customers to make sure that if you leave your cat there, they will receive good treatment. Surely there will be more than one near where you live. So, if someone doesn’t convince you, don’t hesitate to look for another one.

Take it with you

Nobody knows your cat better than you. For this reason, if you believe that a trip for him is bearable and that he will quickly adapt to the place where you will be, come on, you can take him with you!

However, as we mentioned earlier, changes in cat habits will cause nervousness and stress. This may not be a good idea.

Whatever your choice, take into account how your cat will feel, and also ask yourself if you will feel comfortable leaving it or taking it with you.

Keep in mind that if you leave and leave your pet with someone, it is possible that your pet will be grumpy and reluctant to approach when you return. It will interpret the time you were gone as abandonment, even though it really wasn’t like that at all.

Give him time and don’t force him to come to you or seek your affection. In a short time it will pass him and he will come back again to look for your cuddles.

An animal is a responsibility and we have to take various factors into consideration, before taking one. Among these, the fact of how far we travel or move during the year. If you work long hours and make several trips a year, we encourage you to discard the idea of ​​adopting an animal.

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