When The Puppy Whimpers At Night

When the puppy whines at night

If your puppy whines during the night, arm yourself with patience and try to find a solution thinking about the well-being of the animal and the rest of the family.

First of all,  you need to understand why the puppy is crying: he  is scared. He has just arrived in a new home, has been separated from his mother and siblings, is in an unknown place surrounded by unknown people.

The puppy will most likely cry only during the first few nights, just long enough to adjust to the new situation. Generally the malaise lasts between 3 and 7 days. If the whining continues after this time, then you need to change the way you treat the animal.

What to do if the puppy whines at night



There are many and often conflicting opinions on what the owner’s behavior should be in such circumstances.

Some believe that the little dog should sleep alone from the first moment, in the place that has been assigned to him. And that despite whining, the master must not rush to console him.

In fact, they say that if the owner gives in, he risks creating a sort of addiction in the animal that will give rise to behavioral disorders such as separation anxiety. 

Others, however, are of the opposite opinion. If the puppy is not consoled, he will become a fearful and panicked adult with loneliness.

Between these two diametrically opposed currents of thought, there are many others. And, just like with people, every dog ​​is different from the other and there is no single solution that works for everyone.

Ideas for avoiding puppy crying at night

Suppose you have decided to leave your dog alone during the night and ignore, albeit with extreme pain, his cry. However, you cannot have sleepless nights;  in the morning you have to go to the office, take the children to school, do chores, etc.

If, on the other hand, you have thought about letting the puppy sleep with you, it is very likely that he will stop crying. You must be aware, however, that it will be extremely difficult to get him accustomed to his kennel later. However, it is a very respectable decision.

There are many people who sleep with their pet, in the same bed or in the same room. 

As we said before, between these two very different attitudes, there are multiple alternatives. For example, the puppy can start sleeping next to your bed, and then, as he gets used to his new home, you can teach him to stay in his bed.

There are also some tricks, which can be more or less successful depending on the animal, such as resorting to the use of artificial pheromones that remind the animal of those of the mother and that usually manage to calm it down.

Other tips to prevent your puppy from crying


When the little dog arrives home, he immediately becomes the center of attention for the whole family. During the day, everyone is on him to cuddle him and, therefore, if he is left alone at night and in the dark, it is normal for him to feel abandoned and cry.

For this reason it is very important that the puppy learns to be alone. Go away for a short time several times during the day and make sure that he sleeps in his kennel. By doing this, you will avoid the puppy’s nocturnal experience from being traumatic. 

It’s important:

  • Give the puppy clear signals. Don’t drive him crazy with contradicting attitudes and orders.
  • Don’t blame him for whining. This is always a bad idea.
  • Play with him for a while before going to bed. If she gets tired, she will sleep more and won’t cry as much.
  • Make sure you have him do the toilet before bed. This will make it harder for him to wake up because he has to urinate or defecate and start crying again.

The most important thing is that if a puppy is whining during the night, you take all necessary steps to relieve his discomfort.

Also ask your trusted veterinarian for advice and find out. Surely you will find the solution that is right for you and that will put an end to the puppy’s crying at night.

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