When To Separate A Kitten From Its Mother

When to separate a kitten from its mother

Did mother cat give birth to her kittens? Do you think they are ready to find a new home? Separating a kitten from its mother can be heartbreaking, perhaps more for you than for her. It is therefore  always good to know when is the best time to separate them and how to proceed. In this article you will find some tips to make this kind of situation easier for everyone.

Development in kittens


From the moment they are born to two weeks of age, kittens can be mistaken for little furry balls in the neonatal stage. In fact, they can do nothing but revolve around the mother, on whom they are dependent for everything. Eating, washing … it all depends on the cat.

By the time the puppies reach their third week of life, you will notice that they can already open their eyes and that they will gradually begin to explore their surroundings. This is the age when they begin to smell, touch and try everything they see, including siblings and some unusual food.

The size of the kennel where the kittens and the mother sleep is very important. Usually, cats that have given birth for the first time give birth to a maximum of three or four cats, while those with experience can have up to 10 or 12 creatures at a time. As a rule, the number of kittens in a litter serves to determine how quickly they will be able to leave the nest: the larger the family, the sooner they will learn to be cats and not to depend on their mother.

Kittens learn to play and fight faster when surrounded by brothers and sisters, just as they learn to hunt, eat and play better when the litter is large.

Breast milk is essential for the development of kittens. However, solid foods provide them with proteins, vitamins and minerals, all of which are necessary nutrients for them to become healthy adults. It is therefore important to introduce solid foods as soon as you see the kittens start stealing food from their mother. If you have already noticed this behavior, fill a small bowl with some food and water and let the puppies eat until they are satisfied.

By the age of two months, the kittens will already have grown teeth ; it’s the right time to add a handful of dry food to their plate to get them used to different flavors and textures.

How to prepare for the separation of the kitten?


The transition from milk intake to solid foods is the most important step in the weaning process, so start introducing other types of foods little by little. The separation process has to be slow, so from reaching one month of life you can offer the kittens some food so that they are not completely dependent on the mother’s milk. Do not give puppy cats cow’s milk as it may cause them diarrhea.

To make the separation process much easier, take the kitten to a quiet room away from mother and siblings every day for a few minutes. To get the kittens, wait for the cat to go away : if it doesn’t go away, offer it to eat. Once she has distanced herself and is distracted, you can try to grab the kitten.

Get him some toys to play with and encourage him to take a spin and explore on his own. Make sure he is out of sight and hearing of the rest of the litter, and give him a snack to eat in peace as a reward.

The separation can begin at the end of the two months of life, at which time it will be strong enough to distance itself from the mother.

It is important to socialize kittens as much as possible from an early age. This involves touching and stroking them frequently, which is important in getting them used to and adapted to people. In this way, when they have to leave the house they will not hide and you can deliver them to their new family without major inconveniences.

Lastly, give the kittens to families who love pets and are responsible. If you are adopting a kitten, the best thing is to go to the vet to have it operated and avoid unwanted litters.

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