Where Do I Leave My Puppy When I Travel?

Where do i leave my puppy when i travel?

When we think of adopting a dog,  we sometimes forget that when we happen to go on a trip, even just for a weekend, we have to think about where to leave our puppy. Sometimes, depending on the destination, it is possible to take it with us, but if this does not happen, we will have to find a place where it is safe for the duration of our journey.

If you want to leave your puppy somewhere safe when you go on vacation or for a trip, here are some tips.

Places to leave your puppy while traveling



This is the perfect place for a dog: here they will take care of your puppy until you return from vacation. The residences could be considered dog hotels. They are not very cheap, but they are undoubtedly among the best solutions, since those who work there are perfectly prepared to receive animals and manage any emergency that arises.

In home

This is a recommended solution or not depending on the type of animal you have. If your puppy is a cat, hamster or turtle and you know someone who can come to your home every day to give him food and water, this could be a great solution. In the case of dogs, however, things change, as these animals need company and to be taken out several times a day.

In this case, one possibility is that someone temporarily moves into your home.

At a friend’s house

Even if you have chosen a friend who gives you great feelings of tranquility and reliability, this may not necessarily be the most suitable solution. The dog will have to move to a new environment for him, with new people and this can generate a sense of abandonment in him. Furthermore, he will have to go through a process of adapting to his new and temporary home, which is not an easy process.

Dog hotel

If your wallet allows it, a dog-friendly hotel is the best place to leave your puppy while traveling. They are not very different from hotels for people, and will have a large garden to play in, a swimming pool to dive into and, if desired, even massages. Pleasures your puppy will never forget.

But what if none of these options are feasible for you?

If you don’t know where to leave your puppy, take it with you

 Having a pet is common nowadays, as a result hotels and public transport have expanded regulations to accommodate these needs and allow dogs to travel with their owners.


If you are traveling by car, you will have no problem bringing your puppy with you. The only problem will be with the accommodation, whether you go to friends or to a hotel. If you have booked a hotel, make sure it can accommodate your pet as well.

If you travel by ship or plane, know that by putting your puppy in the hold and paying for the ticket, you can travel with him to the end of the world.

Traveling with animals by train? In countries like Italy it is already possible. In fact, it has long been allowed to travel with them on the means of the railway network.

Are you ready to enjoy a holiday with your puppy? If you cannot leave your pet in any of the places we have suggested, believe us, this is the best solution.

However, if you are a traveler and you still don’t have a pet, but you are thinking of adopting one, we suggest you think about it. Because a puppy is not made to spend a lot of time outside the house, much less alone. The final decision is still up to you; you decide if you are willing to travel with him and pay the related expenses.

Think very carefully about your needs before adopting a new friend.

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