Which Animals Do Not Cause Allergies

Are you among those who sneeze only if they see a cat in a photograph? You may not know it, but there are many animals that do not cause allergies. Find out here.
What are the animals that do not cause allergies

Here are the animals that do not cause allergies

As a rule, the animals that most easily produce allergic reactions are cats, but in this category of furry friends there are some that do not cause allergies to people. The same goes for birds. We will introduce you to the ideal breeds to keep indoors if you have allergies or family members who are allergic.

Devon rex

Maybe you remember when we talked about this cat – in the photo that opens the article – with pointed ears, lively eyes and short hair. The most important characteristic of this cat lies in the strength with which its fur is attached to the skin: it is almost impossible that it will lose it.

People allergic to cats are not allergic to the animal itself, but to components of the animal’s saliva and fur. When the hairs start running all over the house, sneezing and malaise also appear.


Are you not interested in adopting a cat that does not cause any kind of allergy? Why don’t you opt for a small rodent like the hamster? But first, make sure you are not allergic to the dandruff this animal produces. If you have already met one and nothing has happened, then you may have the pet of your wishes in front of you.


Remember that most of the time he will have to stay in his cage, where he has his toys and hobbies. This animal gets bored easily and may find amusement by nibbling on some of your furniture or more.


If you like furry animals but have an allergy, it doesn’t mean you have to give them up. Cases of allergy to rabbits are very few and many people have adopted them as pets without having the slightest problem.

Coniglio che gioca

Having a rabbit as a pet is unpredictable and fun especially if you have the time to teach them some amazing things to do. Could learn more than a dog ! He will arrive when you call him (in the moments when he is out of the cage), he will worry if you call him back and will enjoy all your cuddles, without allergies!


The poodle is one of the few dog breeds that does not talk about allergic reactions. It seems that his hair, which does not fall out but must be cut if you don’t want it hairy, does not cause problems for those who are allergic .

animali che non causano allergie

They are very nice and playful animals, always looking for your attention and your cuddles, so it is really fun to have one at home. As they get older, almost everyone has vision problems. Will you drive it?


If you like animals a lot but can’t keep them at home due to allergies, fish are ideal. Admire them as they swim elegantly and discover the reflections of their colors in the water without sneezing, tears and puffy eyes.

Gruppo di pesci

Sphynx cat

A lot of people don’t like this cat breed due to the lack of hair. Could there be a better pet for those who are allergic? If you are among the people who love to be original and who do not want to give up having a cat, this is the pet for you!

Gatto Sphynx: gatto senza pelo

We must specify that it is a cat that needs daily skin care, which must always be hydrated. Even his eyes, devoid of the protection provided by the hair, must be cleaned with commitment and very delicacy.

Reptiles, animals that do not cause allergies but not suitable for everyone

If you are looking for an animal and you do not get difficult about the species it belongs to, think of a snake, an iguana or any other reptile. Don’t forget that there are also frogs and turtles. Could it be the best pet for your home, right?

animali che non causano allergie

These animals also do not cause allergies, so you have additional elements to make your choice well. Do not give up living in the company of an animal that makes your days special, if you really want it. Do you already have an idea of ​​which one to take home?

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