Why Is My Dog ​​vomiting White Foam?

Vomiting occurs quite frequently in dogs, and has been common since they are puppies. When a dog vomits white foam, there can be many causes, so it is best to be informed so that you can reasonably determine what is happening in your pet’s body.

If you notice that your dog has been vomiting white foam, the best thing you can do is to pay attention to their behavior, because the symptoms accompanying the vomiting are very important and will give you the information you need to determine the severity of what is happening to the dog. your dog.


Eat very quickly

Quite often dogs throw up some kind of slimy drool or foam when they eat too quickly. This happens because, very often, when a dog eats quickly, he may inadvertently ingest some things that are indigestible or that he should not eat, such as hair or dust. These get stuck in the throat and cause discomfort in the windpipe, resulting in an urge to vomit.

Dogs vomit even if they have ingested a very large food – it is a way to expel it, in case they are choking. If the vomiting persists, you must go to the vet urgently, because it could be a food or an object (for example a toy) that has blocked a part of its digestive system and that the dog was unable to eliminate by vomiting.


When they move

Just like in humans, in dogs too intense physical activity causes the feeling of wanting to vomit. This is because they are losing too much fluids, which causes dehydration, or because they haven’t breathed properly, which causes nausea. This could be dangerous because the animal could suffer from hot flashes or faint due to fatigue.



Gastritis is a relatively common disease in dogs and usually manifests itself in the form of morning vomiting, right after the dog wakes up, when his stomach is empty. If you excrete a bile fluid, which varies in color from white to yellow, this is normal, but if you detect blood, it is best to take your dog to the vet, as it could be an ulcer.

In dogs, gastritis is treated with fasting and a light, low-fat diet, for example, boiled rice and shredded chicken, which promotes stomach distension and reduces the amount of acid produced.

However, persistent vomiting, particularly that which continues even after the end of treatment, should be kept under control, as it may indicate that the dog is suffering from inflammation of the digestive system.

If the vomiting is accompanied by a fever, it can indicate that the dog is suffering from an infection, so treatment with antibiotics prescribed by a veterinarian will be best. Remember that taking care of your dog alone is dangerous, many products (especially drugs) can be devastating to the dog’s body, and if you are dealing with problems such as a bleeding ulcer, the last thing you want to do. will be to administer something that further irritates your dog’s stomach.


Swollen abdomen

Abdominal inflammation is one of the most dangerous causes of foam vomiting in dogs, being the second leading cause of death after cancer. Abdominal inflammation, or distension, is caused by excessive accumulation of air, stomach acid, foam and food in the dog’s stomach.

This causes the stomach to contort, trapping all the substances it contains, and clog the veins that feed the other internal organs: essentially, it blocks them. This condition is very dangerous and can even result in dog death within days.

By observing your pet’s stomach , which will appear more inflamed, you can realize that all this is happening in his organism. In addition, the animal will appear sore, wasted and will not bear contact with this part of the body.  

There are many other diseases that cause vomiting in dogs, particularly those related to the digestive and respiratory systems, although these are accompanied by much more alarming symptoms, which will force you to go to the vet to understand what is happening.

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