Why Is The Pug Perfect For First-time Owners?

Why is the Pug perfect for first-time owners?

You have finally made up your mind, thought about it and assessed the situation. Not only that, you have weighed all the pros and cons, which obviously are there. And you know in your heart that you have made the best decision: to grow your family by welcoming a dog. If you are not sure what breed your new friend will be, read this article in which we will talk about why the Pug, or Pug in English, is the perfect dog for new owners.

The Pug

The Pug is a small breed dog that has become very fashionable in recent years. Not only for its beauty, but also because it has characteristics that make it the perfect dog for all types of homes.

He is a sociable dog, who loves being with his owner, does not bark excessively and has a specifically human characteristic: he has problems with the scales. Not only that, he is very nice, funny and with a docile character. 

We know that you are impatient and would like to welcome your new friend as soon as possible; be patient a little longer to get to know this breed more closely. Let’s start with its history.

History of the Pug


The origin of this breed is somewhat controversial, as is often the case with other types of dog. The most plausible explanation is that the Pug originated in China and its morphological characteristics make it a close relative of the Pekingese. From Asia he later arrived in Europe and became part of the Belgian royal family.

However, it seems the name derives from the actor Carlo Bertinazzi, nicknamed “Carlino”. This actor born in Turin in 1710, had a great success in the part of Arlecchino which he played wearing a black and wrinkled mask that resembled a dog’s face.

The English name of the Carlino, “Pug” derives from the Latin word pugnus, because the characteristic shape of the muzzle reminds us of a closed fist.

Main characteristics of the Pug

  • In adulthood it reaches 28 centimeters at the withers and weighs about 6-8 kg. As we have said, the Pug tends to gain weight. It is very important that his diet is adequate and that you especially control the quantities of food you feed him.

If you notice excessive weight gain, it is best to ask your vet for advice.

  • The Pug is a dog that generally enjoys good health. However, obesity is one of the major risk factors for the development of serious diseases such as diabetes or heart disease.
  • He does not like to run or to be left free: he prefers to walk.
  • He is a smart and easy to learn dog.
  • It does not tolerate high temperatures. In summer, take it out in the coolest hours of the day.
  • He especially loves playing with his master, who is his best friend for him.
  • He is jealous of his objects and is always on the who goes there.

Why is the pug an excellent first dog?

As we have said, the Pug has a gentle character that facilitates coexistence. He has no particular difficulty adapting to his new home. Also, this dog doesn’t need to get a lot of exercise and so you don’t have to spend many hours walking. 

It is clear that, if he is your first dog, you do not have much experience, not only in terms of the attention to be paid to him, but also in the most appropriate training.

Although we have said that he is not a very active dog, it does not mean that you do not have to establish some rules of behavior to make him understand which behaviors are permissible and which are not. Do not forget that although it is an extremely docile animal, it is still an animal.

Don’t worry because the Pug will learn everything you teach him! It will be a pleasant and fluid path, contrary to what happens with other more “naughty” subjects.

How to educate the pug


When deciding to adopt a dog, it is essential to know that you need to set limits. To do this, you must first think about what limits you want the dog to respect. For example, where he can sleep, which rooms he can enter or how he should behave with strangers. 

Once you have thought through what you want to teach your new friend,  you need to be consistent and educate him affectionately.

You must never forget that the secret of the success of living with your Pug, and in general with all pets, lies in the education you give him.

If you take the dog education process seriously, you will save yourself some headaches, but if you don’t put in the effort, you should know that the consequences could be dire.

If you are a new owner and are ready to take the plunge and embark on this new adventure with a Pug, we congratulate you! You have made an excellent decision, you will not regret it!

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