Wild Animals Banned From The Circus

Wild animals banned from the circus

My Animals defends the rights of animals,  we think that they are living beings that must be taken care of, whether they are domestic, wild or exotic animals. Today we want to echo news that has been a cause for joy for all the associations that defend animals, and also for us. Mexico has banned the use of wild animals in circuses. A ban that had already been introduced in other states of the country and which since December has been extended to all of Mexico.

The law of prohibition


A law was created in December 2014 stating that in six months ” the use of wild life specimens in circuses will be prohibited throughout the country “. This legislation was made known by the Mexican Directorate for the Protection of Resources and Environment (SEMARNAT) and then published in the Official Gazette of the Mexican Federation.

As you can imagine, this law has been a relief and a joy for all those associations fighting for animal rights, but it has also been a cause of controversy and opposition from circus owners who travel the country and who are obliged to submit to the Mexican Directorate for the Protection of Resources and the Environment a list specifying the number of wild animals owned and the characteristics of these.

This list will need to be presented so that the different animals can be selected and made available to the various zoos in the country. Those species that do not possess the necessary characteristics to be able to live in zoos will be transferred to the wild life research centers owned by SEMARNAT.

Circus owners are obliged to observe this law, and violators will face a hefty fine. This new law is probably one of the most important steps forward on the path of protecting animal rights, especially in Mexico.

Other countries that apply this ban


Although this law is new to Mexico, it had already been applied in the past in other states  such as Greece, Sweden and Finland, even though the ban was extended to the use of any animal in shows.

In order not to go too far, a law has been passed in Mallorca that prohibits  the installation of those circuses that make use of wild animals,  even if they do not participate in the shows. It is a measure that has been particularly appreciated by the Animal Protection Society which believes that for animals, participating in public shows is mortifying and humiliating.

In the Spanish city of Malaga, not only are circus shows with animals prohibited, but the use of ponies in rides is also prohibited. This was possible thanks to the Association for the Protection of Animals and Plants of Malaga, which has been fighting for the rights of these beautiful animals for years.

Examples of circuses without animals

Laws such as those described, do not aim to make the circus disappear, on the contrary, they aspire to enhance the circus art, the talent of the people who work there and who, without a doubt, make many sacrifices. There are numerous circuses around the world that are included in the list of those who do not use animals for entertainment, one of them, the Atayde Circus.

This circus has changed its path,  staging original shows with innovative artists. It is a circus that works in Mexico and that has offered the media incredible circus performances by declaring that the circus is not made of animals, but of a large number of talented artists who make it up.

My Animals congratulates the governments of those countries that promote this type of initiative, as well as the professionals of the entertainment world and, in this case, those who are dedicated to the art of the circus.

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