Yorkshire Training Tricks

Yorkshire Training Tricks

Yorkshire is perhaps one of the most popular and in demand breeds of the moment. Their fame is due to the fact that they are small dogs with a sweet and tender appearance, even if in reality they are very active and energetic dogs that can go so far as to exasperate their owners if they are not properly trained. For this reason, today we are going to give you some tips to start training your Yorkshire.

Factors to keep in mind

  • Different races are not trained. Dogs receive a similar training regardless of their size, the length of their hair etc. This is a myth that needs to be debunked. Absolutely all dogs require the same foundation in training, which is about obedience, submission, socialization and entertainment. However, great importance must be attributed to the personality characteristics of each breed, an aspect to be taken into consideration to improve the learning process of each dog.
  • While Yorkshire Terriers are extremely sweet dogs, you will need to be strong and confident to ensure that they do not become unmanageable dogs.
  • At the same time, it is a very territorial breed, so socialization will be essential for them.
  • This dog occupies the thirtieth place in the ranking of the most intelligent dogs. But you don’t have to be offended by this: it doesn’t mean that your pet is less gifted than others. More than intelligence, the list actually wants to measure a dog’s response speed to human directions, as well as the amount of words it can understand. Yorkshire Terriers are a very independent breed, so they will always want to go their own way and will find it harder to follow instructions. Don’t worry, they will constantly learn.

    Specific aspects for their education


    Yorkshire dogs are known for being playful, so make the most of the moments they pay attention to as they tend to get distracted easily. It is not uncommon to hear Yorkshire breeders complain about how indomitable this breed is, but this is not always true. They will simply need more time and repeat several times.

    Also, due to their naïve appearance, they may tempt you to soften up when you should scold them. This is a serious mistake that many small dog owners make. Through coexistence, dogs learn to recognize the weaknesses of their owners, so it will be easier and easier for them to manipulate situations in their favor, for example to receive treats, ask for food or free themselves from reproaches. For this reason we recommend that you remain firm in order to achieve lasting results during the educational process. Keep in mind that your dog will grow up, and it is not easy to live with dogs that have developed bad habits from a young age.

    Being very territorial, one of the main problems with this breed is the tendency to urinate in places where they shouldn’t go. You will have to teach them, assuming a strict posture in front of them, that you are the leader or the alpha male, so your dog will not have to feel the need to mark territory inside your home. The best way to prevent him from urinating or defecating where he shouldn’t, is to set a time for meals and assign him a place that is exclusively accessible to him and where he can relieve himself should he feel the need outside of mealtime. .


    In addition, they are dogs that need to do a lot of physical activity, as they are incredibly energetic specimens. If you keep your dog busy and get him tired, you will prevent him from developing personality disorders, such as a tendency to destroy everything or to dazzle excessively.

    At the same time, this breed reacts well to positive reinforcements. So reward him when he behaves well or when he does what you tell him. This will help him understand what the correct attitudes are and make the training process easier.

    For this dog, the best reward is affection. In this way you can also establish a bond with your little friend, since due to their degree of independence they tend to be wary of people who do not establish constant physical contact.

    It is suggested that dogs begin the training phase as soon as they have been weaned. It is always good to act as soon as possible, as educating is better than correcting.

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